Saturday, March 9, 2013

7 Ways to Gear up Your Job Search Mindset

How Do You Know When You Need To Gear Up Your Job Search Mindset?

All good things in life come at a price. Bagging a good job is not exclusive to this principle. You know there is something amiss somewhere, when your job applications don't strike a chord so much as to get you interview calls. Worse is when your interviews result in we-will-let-you-know-later kind of answers.

What Is Gearing Up Your Job Search Mindset?

Universally, mindsets strangely have high inertia values which don't allow quicker progression. Misconceptions are most likely to lead you nowhere. Changing your mindset is all about breaking the myths that you might believe about anything. In short, gearing up your mindset is having the right state of mind.

Sharpening Your Mindset for A Quicker Job Search

It can't be over emphasized that job searches don't end after you land your first job. Here are some points that help you rev up your job search, even if you are searching for your next job right now.

1. Shatter The Myths: This is the foremost important thing in your endeavor for a good job. Strangely, some people simply have the wrong idea when it comes to getting a job. But the truth is that recruiters and employers are hiring even as you are waiting sulking. The second greatest myth is that your dream job can't be your first job; one needs to work his way up gradually. What you must not forget is that human abilities are boundless and there is nothing that one can't learn in her first job provided she possesses the right qualities, skill sets and frame of mind.

2. Think Differently: Being unconventional is sometimes necessary. Develop a different line of thinking which helps you to achieve goals better and faster. Be creative in presenting this quality to the interviewer.

3. Identify What You Don't Love Doing: Accepting and continuing something as fate or destiny even when you dislike it will condemn you a career of little or no progress. Identify what you like and capitalize on those qualities.

4. Interview The Interviewer: It is not enough to just answer all the interviewer's questions. There is much more that he probably wants to know about you but won't ask. These are invisible qualities such as your leadership qualities, ability to accept challenges and your team spirit. Interviewers judge you by the questions you ask, how you present yourself, and how you handle challenging questions.

5. Ask Breakaway Questions: You need to develop systematic thinking abilities. Defying-the-nature is what this is called. Challenge the normal methodology wherever you think that you may know a better way of doing things. Breakaway questions help you distinguish yourself from the masses.

6. Be Bold: Break away from lack of confidence and self-pity. Confidence emerges when you believe in your strengths and vision. Self-pity and lack of confidence hide your true potential from the interviewer.

7. Seek Wise Counsel. Talk to a counselor or someone who practices HR. Professionals identify and help solve things for you.

Fire Dancer Written by Colleen Coble

In 1991 a young Tess Masterson watched with horror as her parents were both eaten alive by fire in their barn. Tess was horrified as she stood by and knew there was nothing she could do to save them. The fire pointed Tess's life towards fire fighting as a Smoke Jumper, those that jump from airplanes into the fire to attempt to stop its forward progress in any way they can. Tess relives that day every time she jumps into a fire and wonders many times what she could have done to save her parents from that barn inferno.

During one of the jumps Tess and a good friend, Allie, jumped as a pair into one of the fires. Allie's parachute did not open. Tess did all she could to assist Allie as they both floated towards the fire, reaching her and holding on to slow her fall. In the end, Allie was slowed but not enough to keep her from getting badly hurt when she hit earth. When Tess learned that the parachute Allie used was actually Tess's chute she began to think that she must have been a target by someone sabotaging her chute. Some of the lines were cut showing the murderous intent by someone. But who? Anyone on the fire team could have done this as well as anyone near their base camp. Allie was in the hospital and there she would stay for some time so her broken bones and the rest of her body could heal.

Chase Huston was a foster child the Masterson's had taken in. He was a handsome but bothersome ranch hand that Tess skirted when she could. Tess also owned a gorgeous horse, Wildfire who was a one-person horse, and Tess was that person. She hated leaving him when she had to go back on duty and couldn't wait until that smoke jumpers duty was over to see Wildfire back at the family owned ranch.

Fires continued to start in suspicious ways and places with a note and evidence found at most of the arson related fires. Signed "The Smoke Dancer" this person stopped at nothing to kill or maim animals or humans. The Masterson family seemed to be one of the main subjects The Fire Dancer was out to hurt.

Stevie was Tess's sister who Tess knew was not feeling good by just looking at her. Stevie had Lupus that left her feeling very run down and poorly. This devastated Tess. Tess helped her in any possible way. As time went on, Tess and Chase became closer but bitterness still was in the back of each other's mind, bitterness from earlier years. Eventually feelings between the two did change.

Tess's Smoke Jumper friends were the same or better than her family since she was with them so much and each ones life was so valuable to the others. It was hard to think that one of them could be the one that has been trying to hurt or kill Tess but the possibility of that existed as it did with various ranch hands.

I have always been fascinated by stories about fire, the fighting of them and the tracking down of arsonists. "Fire Dancer" is a great story with so many Christian values explored throughout; values that would help all involved when they take those values into their lives. Colleen Coble has spun an excellent story combining love, adventure, fire, mystery, murder, and that Christian value. An excellent book and a great read. Colleen writes in a way that makes this book easy and interesting to read, and hard to put down.

Holiday Display - To-Do List

Your holiday displays are an important part of your marketing plan for the season. Use this checklist for ideas and to make sure that you don't forget to do something that could cost you sales.

Retail window displays need to be eye catching and interesting to stop traffic. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Lots of people that normally don't shop will be walking past your store throughout the holiday season. They will likely be in a hurry, put off by the crowds, or on a mission to find a specific gift. It is your job and your challenge to find a way to make your window display pop out and grab their attention.

Check the windows of the stores around you. Make note of what caught your eye. Think about the season and what makes it special for your shoppers. People get great satisfaction from giving. When they find that special gift, they get a certain feeling, an excited feeling, about making someone happy. They want to feel special in when they give. Using this knowledge, you can come up with some really grabbing displays.

Think about lighting, situation, the scene and the feeling. Use decorations that go with the season. Christmas lights are great for bringing a mystic feeling to a store window. Mannequins are great for getting human feelings across.

When your window display is done, don't stop there. Continue the mood into the store. Hang decorations that go with the theme. If you use spotlights in your windows, use spotlights to highlight your clothing racks. You can decorate a garment rack with Christmas trees, rotating stars, whatever you can imagine. When people turn the racks, the decorations will draw attention from other customers and people walking by.

Giving your displays motion and depth with lighting, human emotion, and even literal turning motion is a great way to keep your store stimulating and interesting. Create special displays that merchandise your inventory in a way that makes people think about giving. Fluffy sweaters, belts, funny t-shirts, whatever is popular, are all great for promoting during the holiday season.

Don't forget to create a display that attracts attention to your gift cards. Companies make a lot of money off of gift cards. When the recipient of the card comes to your store to use it, they will usually spend more money while they're there.

There are many ways to promote yourself during the holidays. Just remember to start with the first impression and move back into the store from there. Involve all of your displays, including your clothing racks, dressing rooms, art, mirrors, promotional materials from vendors, and your lighting.

Business - Constructing Efficient Systems - New Client Processing

Before you ever have the first appointment, you will need to ensure that you can provide appropriate services to match the needs and then ask a number of questions to gather information for your file.

Following are the things that need to be asked when the prospect initially contacts the office:

1. Who referred you? This will help to determine the type of services that are needed and help to identify if there is a third-party who will pay the fees.

2. Have you had previous appointments in this office? If so, you will be able to reactive an archived file and review the case before the client arrives for the session.

3. Why does the client want to see a psychologist? Gathering this information will allow you to understand the issues to be dealt with and then refer the client elsewhere if the work falls outside of your competency or mandate.

4. Who will be attending the sessions? This questions provides you with an opportunity to accurately determine fees and also give an opening for discussion of confidentiality.

5. Is there are any fee coverage available for the client? You will then be able to describe the process for the client regarding payment. Some companies allow the therapist to direct bill whereas others only accept a receipt and form from the client who will pay you and then submit a claim. Also, some companies only pay a portion of the fee so the client will need to know how the balance can be paid (cash, cheque, debit or credit card options should be explained).

6. What is the client contact information? You will need full name(s), address and telephone numbers. I have a printed form which we use to record this. There have been several times when the receptionist neglected to collect the information. I was unable to follow up and, when the client did not follow my twenty-four hour cancellation policy, I was unable to invoice them for not showing up.

Once you have gathered the above information you will need to explain:

1. Office location and parking. I have all of this information on my website so besides explaining, give them the URL to review. It is also important to give simple directions and details such as when any outside doors may be locked. 2. Fees and payment information - Explain what forms of payment you accept, the timing and and amount of fees. 3. Cancellation policies. For example, I charge the full fee if the client does not cancel or rebook twenty-four hours in advance. 4. Information they can access before the appointment (your website, current newspaper articles or any other resources).

During the initial contact with your prospect, you will be developing rapport with them. It is a scary thing for some people to call a professional for an appointment, especially if they think that their problem is embarrassing. Your tone and words will help them to relax and look forward to their first appointment.

Structured Settlement Annuity: The Real Deal

Structured Settlement Annuities have been shown to provide a valuable, safe and guaranteed source of lifetime income to parties in personal injury or other cases. Today we look at situations where these special annuities would be helpful.

Personal injury.

This is obvious to most, but let's take a closer look at situations that might warrant such settlements.

Temporary or permanent disability.

A structured settlement can help here by making sure the cost, if any, of rehabilitation is covered.

Guardianship of minors or persons with diminished mental capacity.

We've seen before how dangerous mismanagement of a lump sum settlement for a child can seriously impact the future care of the child. Guaranteeing that care for the injured child will be covered will add greatly to the overall quality of life for the caretaker and the child.

Wrongful death, particularly when the surviving spouse and / or children need steady income.

When tragedy strikes the main money earner of a household loss to a family is felt in many ways. In some cases this can cause financial ruin to a family. A structured settlement can help replace the monthly income lost and provide a family piece of mind that the rent, bills etc will be paid for.

Severe injuries, especially those that result in shortened life expectancy.

Once again, protecting the financial future of the family or caregivers to make sure that specialized care is covered and monthly expenses are paid.

Cases where future needs can be determined today.

This is a bit more risky as it can be difficult to predict expenses in the future. However, certain costs may be fixed or are more easily anticipated like mortgages, tuition, and monthly bills.

If someone finds themselves in any of these situations, it's important to take these factors into consideration:

1-Significant, ongoing medical expenses

2-Rehabilitation or permanent care facility expenses

3-College tuition, retirement income, the down payment on a home or a mortgage payment

4-Replacement of monthly income, annual income or supplemental income

Though some of these may seem too far in the future to think about, ignoring these will cause more hardship than necessary.

Why Invest In The Stock Market If You Can Make Money From Mutual Funds?

The stock market is one of the greatest human inventions. It is so great that anyone can make money straightaway. Let see how share market is different from mutual funds.

Save on Fees

By investing in stock yourself, you are the fund manager, researchers, recording clerks and even the share price observers. Thus, you do not have to pay management charges, administrative cost or switching fees like mutual fund do. You can save the money for yourself.

Besides, stock research is not as difficult as before. Easily available is a stock screener, analyst rating and trading software on the Internet. These tools make your investing experience much easier. Moreover, you can save commission fees through online trading. In fact, you can trade free of charge with Zecco.

Flexible Strategy

Instead of using just the dollar cost averaging approach in a mutual fund, you can use a variety of strategies in stock investing. Buy-and-hold, buy-then-sell or even sell-first-buy-later concept are the most popular ways to make money in stock market. You can do business with others' money too.

However, specific skills and experience is required to success. Although trading tools such as trading software can be quite expensive, investing in them can bring more profits to you, provided you know how to use them. Hence, ask yourself, which strategy is best for you.

Financial Independence

It is not uncommon to see people trade stock for a living. In fact, it becomes famous nowadays. You might not know if one of your neighbors is trading stock for living very quietly. Not going to office at 8 does not mean he has no job at all.

Again, easily available information on the internet makes this viable. Most have full time jobs before but find it more comfortable working from home. And you can do it too if you start learning how to make money from the stock market now.

Youth ATV is Generating lots of Popularity

The popularity of ATV has been rising so astoundingly that many ATV manufacturers have placed importance of developing smaller versions of their current models and designing new models to cater for a new ATV market we regard as the Youth ATV market.

Youth ATV is a unique market...although its smaller, the specifications, requirements and as well as features on Youth ATV is often more stringent and extensive than normal adult-sized ATV. Only last year, there are more and more companies offering Youth ATV with the increasing number of 4-stroke engine Youth ATV as compared to full-sized ones. The leader of Youth ATV remains to be Honda and Yamaha...however, other ATV manufacturers are quickly catching up, offering more defined and youth-enhanced ATVs to consumers.

With so many companies competing for a comparatively small market, the industry for Youth ATV is slowly maturing. As with other types of businesses, after a period of stiff competition and neck-to-neck battles, the strong ones will survive. Some people see if as the concept of 'natural selection'. If the manufacturer of Youth ATV is open to ideas, is consistently improving its line of Youth ATVs, and is keen on moving forward with the trend, it will survive. The less popular ones will either move on to something else or disappear altogether. So, it's safe to assume that for the next few years, we'll see very low prices for Youth ATV while the market matures but over time, the price for Youth ATV will slowly stabilize like the market for Full-Sized ATVs.

Safety features, not surprisingly, sits comfortably at the top of the list of priorities when it comes to Youth ATV. Lacking in physical skill and control over their ATV, Youth ATV needs to be packed with many different safety features that will allow their parents to control the ATV whenever Youths are in trouble. The more safety features it has, the better-selling the Youth ATV will be. Is it of any surprise to you that this is so?

Like human beings, the Youth ATV market will go through many developmental stages too...from infancy, toddlerhood to childhood...and then they reach maturity. The comparison makes perfect sense if you look at it closely. Right now, the Youth ATV market is going through a developmental stage where the industry is tweaking itself to find a footing. Over time, as it matures, we will be able to enjoy Youth ATV of optimal technology, quality, performance and improved features.

Procurement Consulting

Procurement consulting can be done on the Internet and many other companies provide consultation services for a fee. These consultants are usually experts in economics or related fields that can study, understand, and even predict the market trends. This makes them useful in the long term because they are capable of cutting costs for the company by providing legal and financial advice.

Buyers can wait for prices to go down or they can predict the prices, thus reducing the investment. This prediction needs to be accurate in order to have any effect on the cost of the commodity. Sometimes big companies and amateur entrepreneurs find it hard to predict prices, and consultants are hired in order to cut down the costs incurred due to procurement.

These consultants are usually experienced in all phases of purchasing and procurement consulting and focus on understanding the cost of the commodities that mostly drive the price of their supplies. This knowledge helps the buyer to negotiate prices and quality in order to bring down the cost.

E-procurement consultation is another field that is improving drastically, as new software and programs are developed in order to make the procurement process simpler and cost effective. Consultancy services are also useful for those who cannot afford losses due to financial constraints. Although many consultation firms have cropped up on the Internet, only effective research can guide a buyer to the right consultant.

Strategies can be made in order to negotiate and purchase goods at cost-effective rates. These strategies can only be effective if experts who can predict future prices and the ups and downs of the market form them. Thus, consultants can help buyers and bidders alike by saving time normally spent on negotiations and research.

Procurement consultants can not only save the company money, but also educate their clients about market trends and the scope of their client's business venture.

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